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65 Replies

  @Czuck1983Progressive from New York disagreed…12mos12MO

Sex and gender are not the same thing, neither is binary in nature. Sex (male/female/intersex) comes from a combination of your genitalia and chromosomes (there's more than XX and XY). Gender (man/woman/nonbinary) comes from your brain (different genders have differently sized and shaped brains). Human biology is a wonderfully complex field, every piece of the puzzle is important. That is a scientific fact, and those facts don't care about the fact that you stopped learning when you left high school.

 @JudicialLaylaLibertarianfrom Colorado asked…10mos10MO

If gender is psychological, then why is surgery so necessary for trans people?

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…8mos8MO

Gender-affirmation surgery is not necessary for a person to be trans, as you can be trans without having any surgery or procedures, since your gender identity is psychological and not biological. Gender-affirming surgery is a part of what is known as gender expression, which is the physical means of expressing gender externally, whether it be biological, like surgery or hormone treatments, or even non-biological, like the way you style your clothes or hair or whatnot. Your gender expression does not inherently define your gender identity, since your gender expression is merely, as the name…  Read more

 @photographyphilRepublican from Georgia disagreed…12mos12MO

While it's true that sex and gender are distinct, it's important to consider how these concepts intersect with societal norms and moral values. For instance, many people argue that traditional male and female roles have been established for a reason and that they play a crucial role in maintaining stability in society. In this perspective, adding gender identity to anti-discrimination laws might disrupt the balance of societal norms and could lead to confusion. What are your thoughts on the potential consequences of expanding anti-discrimination laws in this way?

 @CuriousIntellectRepublican from California disagreed…12mos12MO

While it's true that sex and gender are distinct concepts, it is also important to consider the potential implications of adding gender identity to anti-discrimination laws from a practical standpoint. For example, including gender identity in these laws could complicate matters in sex-segregated spaces, such as bathrooms, locker rooms, or sports teams. This could lead to privacy and safety concerns for some individuals, as well as affect the fairness in competitive sports.

Moreover, while the human brain is complex and gender might have some neurological basis, these differences might…  Read more

 @9FSSSH3 from Minnesota disagreed…8mos8MO

Gender is a social construct and there are significant differences between and within the sexes, including all variations of intersex. There is no genetic nor biological gender and the preconceived notion that the two sexes directly correlate to the gender of the individual is misinformed.

 @989HYDW from Ohio disagreed…1yr1Y

what you are talking about is biological and even with that there are not only 2. There are 3. male, female, and intersex. These are the three sexes that a child can biologically be born as. Gender however is a construct. If you were in a horrible accident and one day woke up in a body of the opposite sex you would do whatever you could so that your body matched how you feel and how you see yourself on the inside. You need to understand that there is a difference between them and that it is not okay to just say something like "oh its a disease" or "oh its just mental illness" because it isn't.

 @9B2G7PZLibertarian from Utah commented…1yr1Y

There is a very small percentage of people who are actually intersex and there's a crazy physical diagnoses for it that I can't remember. Also, most kids who experience Gender Dysphoria end up being gay/lesbian- like me. Being gay is not a disease or mental illness, no, but believing that you're not in the right body stems from Gender Dysphoria which is a mental illness. It can be treated. Throwing all these 'pronouns' at kids will only feed that mental illness. There is a very small percentage of people who are actually transgender.

Most people who go through surgery…  Read more

 @9H2RJTR from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

While DNA plays a role in shaping physical characteristics, it's not the only factor that determines gender. Socialization, cultural norms, expression, and brain differences change how we experience gender. There are social and physical aspects to gender, and those who socially present or identify with incongruence to their birth sex are unfairly discriminated against, and this should be changed.

Gender identities neither male nor female have been manifesting in society for thousands of years. Just as you couldn't say "atheism isn't real" as a religious person, because atheists exist despite the fact that you believe in God, not "believing" in the existence of more than two genders doesn't mean that it doesn't manifest in society.

 @9GR6954Democrat from Idaho disagreed…7mos7MO

Gender identity and assigned sec are two vastly different things, biologically while there are indeed only two sexes (ignoring rare off cases such as intersex people) gender is a social construct that was originally built off of sex, but has now evolved into it's own topic.

 @9GR6885 from Idaho disagreed…7mos7MO

Even if you are talking about sexes, there are still more than two biologically. However, with gender, it is a social construct, and therefore is something that is up to interpretation for a singular individual on how they want to identify outwardly and on paper.


First of all, there are three genetic genders (called sex or sexes) and they are: male, female, and intersex. An intersexual person is someone who is born with both male and female: chromosone patterns (could be XXY, XY, XX, or just X cells) or genitals. These people don’t typically fit as binary with male or female bodies. In the LGBTQIA+ community. The three sexes (male, female, and intersex) are all the genders you are geneticly born as. Gender however, is a social construct and it is different than sex, gender is the orientation or identity that someone psychologically feels because…  Read more

 @9GXRPYV from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

There is only 2 sexes but more than 2 genders. Your sex is what you were assigned at birth and your gender is what you identify as.

 @9GWJT5V from Wisconsin disagreed…7mos7MO

There are already significant chromosomal differences such as intersex people, as well as gender characteristics varying wildly within people who are XX or XY!

 @9FXRF8N from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

Gender and Sex are not the same thing, nor should you refer to someone entirely based upon their Sex. Sex is what you were born as, such as male, female, or intersex, and only has to do with what genitalia you were given at birth. Gender is what you Identify as, Man, Woman, Non-binary, etc.

 @9GTJXS5 from Arizona disagreed…7mos7MO

Gender is spectrum. Even sex, which is determined by genes can vary, and there are more than 2 outcomes.

 @9G924WG from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

It's complete bull **** . Gender is an identity spectrum, and sometimes people don't feel like they're the gender they were assigned at birth. You can be male, female, or anything in between - as long as you're comfortable, it shouldn't matter to anyone else what you idenfity as.

 @9FWPLMQSocialist from Connecticut disagreed…8mos8MO

I just don’t understand why you’re so concerned about how other people live their lives. Live and let live is a better way to be.

 @9GVWZSC from Indiana disagreed…7mos7MO

Regardless of psychology, there are more than two biological sexes due to the existence of intersex individuals. However, gender identity is a part of everyone´s identity regardless of what they were assigned at birth. Whether their gender identity matches the sex they are assigned at birth, it is something that should be respected, just like how we respect someones name by calling them that name instead of a different name.

 @9GSPZMZ from Oregon disagreed…7mos7MO

There are genetic variations within those with XX and XY chromosomes and that doesn't even account for the fact that there are people with XXY or XYY chromosomes. Most healthcare providers agree that sex, not just gender, is a spectrum.

 @9FJDX5NProgressive from Nebraska disagreed…8mos8MO

There are two sexes, not genders. Genders are self-affirmed. And some people have parts of both sex, so technically there are three sexes: male, female, intersex. This is not including the third genders socially included in othe cultures.

 @OofPoof681Democrat  from Tennessee disagreed…6 days6D

Gender is different than sex. There are only two sexes not genders. Gender is more of a spectrum, someone might be born a male but identifies as female and vice versa. Alternatively someone might be born a female but identifies as neither male or female also called non-binary.

 @PixelOrPixi from South Carolina disagreed…1mo1MO

Gender is a spectrum in which while there are TWO genders (male and female) there are many things that people can identify as underneath said spectrum. What is in a persons pants does not relate to gender.

 @9LXS3HB from Connecticut disagreed…1mo1MO

How does someone identifying as something other than male or female affect you in any way? just let people do what they want and mind your own business .

 @9LFC9HY from Oregon disagreed…2mos2MO

Sex and gender are two very distinct things. Gender is something that is socially constructed. It is open to interpretation, you may choose and interpret in any way you would like.

 @9KVB3MS from California disagreed…3mos3MO

Gender identity plays a big role is the social sphere of the country and it's now an integral part of people's lives. It isn't so simple as just saying things are only one way, gender and sex are completely different and they should be treated as such, not as something so concrete.

 @9KSDYVW from Arizona disagreed…3mos3MO

It has been proven that sex (female/male/intersex) is part of biology. And gender is part of psychology and sociology.

“Then why are there surgeries and other medical procedures (hormone replacement therapy) for trans people?” Not every trans person goes through physical transition. All go through social transition (if it is safe for them). Again, it is a social thing. If most people associate certain things with the gender “man”, then a trans man will feel more comfortable socially if they aligned with what people think men are socially (called ‘passing’)…  Read more

 @9JQPDTQ from California disagreed…4mos4MO

If you ask me, i consider there to be as many genders as there is. I may not know them all myself but theres a difference between gender and sex.

 @9JQNRML from California disagreed…4mos4MO

I believe someone should be comfortable with themselves so they can continue to be a proud US citizen.

 @9JJRS6Z from Virginia disagreed…4mos4MO

Biological sex yes, is binary. Male female or intersex. Gender identity isn’t based on physical characteristics it’s a psychological feeling. Anyone can feel anything and is only determined by the individual themselves.

 @9JH3ZRQ from North Carolina disagreed…4mos4MO

Sex is different from gender in the sense that gender is based on a social construct and can be changed. Legal sex and gender are different.

 @9J2BHJ9 from Iowa disagreed…5mos5MO

Even though there may be two genetic genders, people may feel like they are a different gender than the one assigned to them at birth, and they have the right to change their gender.

 @9HV8XMR from South Carolina disagreed…5mos5MO

I believe that there is a difference between gender and Sex. Everyone has biological Se when they are born that you can not change, but gender is something that we as a society created. All of the gender norms and other gender standards were created by society and can change and will change in the future.

 @9HQMG6X from Michigan disagreed…5mos5MO

Their is more than 2 genders out there and you should be more optimistic about it and be open to it as long as you are respectful

 @9HCLJH2Veteran from Florida disagreed…6mos6MO

Intersex people have been around since the beginning of the human race. Their very existence draws speculation to that claim.

 @9GJQ2LW from Missouri disagreed…7mos7MO

This is a conflation between the terms Sex and Gender, which is yet still inaccurate due to the prevalence of Intersex individuals.

 @9G9QS68 from Maryland disagreed…8mos8MO

Gender and sex are two different words, and two different meanings. I will agree, that there are only two biologically determined sexes and chromosomes will not change no matter how much hormone therapy and surgeries one goes through. However, people are allowed to feel discomfort with their assigned sex, and they should be allowed to explore and find an identity that allows them to feel comfortable. Because I don't think you would like to live your entire life feeling you were born in the wrong body, would you? If someone was assigned male at birth but feels more comfortable identifying as female, I don't have the right to take someone's comfort away. And I would accept it, anyway.

 @9H4Z6VH from New York disagreed…6mos6MO

First off, sex is biological and gender is societal. Can we please stop conflating the two? Secondly, gender exists on a spectrum. Some people are men, some are women, some are nonbinary. Also, intersex people are proof against sex being binary.

 @9GHLMVN from Minnesota disagreed…7mos7MO

One's gender assigned at birth is called sex while the gender one finds themselves more comfortable with as they mature is considered gender, and the topic of gender is more complicated to force someone into one of only two categories.

 @9G9F3CGDemocrat from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

Sex may seem only to have two options, but intersex exists. Besides, gender is separate from sex, so "gender identity" does not need to be genetically determined, and some studies suggest a major link between brain shape and size and gender identity, in the way that feminine brains in those born as men are more likely to mean someone is trans, and vice versa.

 @9G63DFRProgressive from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

If people are determined by their genetics or private parts what happens when a trans female goes on HRT and gender reassignment surgery, what do you say then? Plus gender identity has existed throughout history dating back to ancient empires.

 @9FZVM2C from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Gender is not the same as sex. Gender is a social construct, one that is defined by individuals. Whereas sex is the scientific

 @9G93JYZDemocrat from California disagreed…8mos8MO

People and they're minds change.All people are different we don't all have the same minds.Genetically speaking they are male or female but what they identify as should be respected.

 @9G6BLNK from Washington disagreed…8mos8MO

Gender Identity is an expression of self, not biological sex. And even then, there are actually 3 biological sexes (Female, Male, Intersex).

 @9FWXQY8 from Arizona disagreed…8mos8MO

It's not hurting anyone to identify as a third gender, and gender roles are flexible and evolve over time.

 @9FD4PW3 from North Carolina agreed…9mos9MO

you are still ether a man or a woman a higher power bigger than my self and anyone else said you are a man or a woman

 @9H5KCKZ from Nebraska disagreed…6mos6MO

there are two sex's male female, but there is also intersex. Gender is based of of what the person is most comfortable with and how they wish to identify. no one should be told who they are everyone has the right to chose who they want to be.

 @9GX84GQSocialist from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

There is no binary in genetics as there in no binary gender in psychology. There are intersex people and there xxy chromosome females and xyx males.

 @9FVB4NG from Oregon disagreed…8mos8MO

Easiest counterargument is the existence of intersex people to begin with. Even biology is not as binary, and other examples in nature display this as well.

 @9GXYGFW from Oregon disagreed…7mos7MO

Sex is a biological feature but choosing to identify otherwise should NEVER be regarded as a mental illness or delusion. The mind is more powerful than the body and however one feels on the inside is true and just.


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