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87 Replies

 @9GQWMJZDemocrat from Michigan disagreed…7mos7MO

I think it is important to label foods with GMO or Non GMO because it is important for us to know what we are putting into our bodies.

 @9GKXX2V from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

I think they should be labeled since people need to know if their food is being grown naturally instead of in a lab.

 @9FSZDK2 from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

No matter what type of product it is, it should always be labeled so that processes and ingredients are known by consumers.

 @9FT23VM from California agreed…8mos8MO

Yes, it is for the right of the customers in the store to make a decision on whether they want to continue with that brand or not. It's fair to let the community know what they are consuming and how much they are.

 @9GL992T from Oklahoma disagreed…7mos7MO

Just because what we have done in the past doesn’t mean it should stay the way it is. There are many things that need to change even though they’ve been the same for years and this includes GMO labeling. People need to know what is in their food so they can make their own decisions on whether to buy the product

 @9FV6Q83 from Colorado disagreed…8mos8MO

While this is true, GMO's are not just breeding crops together. It is the splicing of DNA and using that DNA to change how an organism functions. We still don't know the effects of GMOs on humans, so if someone is reluctant to eat something that is GMO we should give them a heads up.

 @9GHK5W8 from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

those type of GMO products should be labeled so we know what organic and whats genetically modified for the health and safety of people.

 @9FSTTNL from California disagreed…8mos8MO

My best counter argument would be there would be no issues adding the labels if you have nothing to hide, also people need to be aware of what's inside them.

 @9FTD6SJIndependent  from Idaho disagreed…8mos8MO

GMO's are no different then having a high salt content in the name of the law when it comes to letting consumers know what they're eating.

 @9FTF5RJWomen’s Equality from Pennsylvania agreed…8mos8MO

GNO should be labeled to help consumers stay informed when purchasing food that could directly affect their health.

 @9FTDZSR from Illinois agreed…8mos8MO

people however who have health-related issues should have the right to be informed about what they are consuming and putting in their bodies, it will also make it easier for the health care workers or providers to figure out the cause of their condition, or emergency, to see what's best fit to treat the patient.

 @9GHVHTDRepublican from Oregon disagreed…8mos8MO

genetically engineered foods should definitely be labeled so and the ingredients that they used to mod those foods because of the fact we don't know what they put in that food.

 @9FSPVBQ from Louisiana disagreed…8mos8MO

Modern genetic engineering of crops largely includes the use of chemicals, which can have harmful effects on the environment and on people.

 @9FZQCLZ from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

Everyone has the right to know what it is in their food. Whether you believe in labeling or not is not as important as the safety of people's food choices, and we as a society put into our bodies. Food companies are becoming more and more dishonest about the ingredients in our food, so it is important that we constantly know what we are ingesting.

 @9FLX4ZG from Virginia disagreed…9mos9MO

Breeding crops is different from lab grown and modified foods. Artificial is different than modified

 @9FQ5PGG from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Consumers have a right to know if the food they are eating has been treated chemically or if it is grown organically. Additionally, some people have allergies to the modified crops and therefore it would be a necessity to label them.

 @9GRSG7KWorking Familydisagreed…7mos7MO

Well some people like to have natural things and not putting if it has GMO or not makes it hard for us to get natural produce and on top we don't know what we are putting into our bodies

 @9GRJ3VX from California disagreed…7mos7MO

Genetically Modified Crops can cause various different diseases that normal crops would not cause to humans, so it should be written.

 @9GGJPPJ from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Modern day modification of crops and vegetables cannot be compared to the thousands of years of selective breading because the way the crops are modified is different. GMOs carry risks that could potentially harm the health of consumers.

 @9G83QZ4 from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

Whether it is an unfounded stigma or not it should not matter. The safety and health of the American citizen should be the most important matter. Leaving out details that might intrigue or worry citizens should not be a thing.

 @9FSWYZR from Delaware disagreed…8mos8MO

Some people may have both the funds and means to purchase organic food, and they may want to do so. Therefore, labeling GMO products, allows people to be selective about the food they use to sustain their lives.

 @9FRRWVY from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Bred crops are totally different then crops made in a lab. I think no crops should be made in any type of lab.

 @9FVZGWWRepublican from Oklahoma disagreed…8mos8MO

I believe we have a right to know what is being put in our body’s, so the companies should have to tell us. Also, non GMO food is healthier.

 @9GS7WXQPeace and Freedomdisagreed…7mos7MO

It's important to add labels to all products regardless of whether they have been selectively bred. This will help keep the consumer informed of what they consume.

 @9FN22M8 from Missouri disagreed…9mos9MO

not labeling GMO foods is a terrible idea. it reduces the trust in the government because you don't know what your eating

 @9FVSSGN from Connecticut disagreed…8mos8MO

I think that GMOs are still new and haven't had any long term testing on health effects of people and that any foods treated with chemicals isn't as safe as food that has been naturally grown

 @9FRW7LSPeace and Freedom from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Breeding crops is different from lab grown and modified foods. Artificial is different than modified

 @9FX4Z2GConstitution from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

This is just brushing off the fact that it is still necessary and important for a American citizen to know what is in their food and what has been done to it.

 @9FSZHYP from California disagreed…8mos8MO

If you don't put GMO labels you are misleading the public and altering what they ultimately think about "organic", "GMO", and "Non-GMO" crops.

 @9G3VLFXWorking Family from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Some of these products included in majority of today's products are bad and can cause serious sickness to some people.

 @9G5DPC6 from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

GMO labels should be available for consumers to know what they are consuming and what is going into those products that they are consuming.

 @9FPR3H9 from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

What we are eating is part of our health, so we need to know what is genetically modified and what isn't.

 @9FRX9HX from Washington disagreed…8mos8MO

no its not add a stigma cause if the crops have been generically modified people should be able to know if what they are putting in there mouth has GMOS or not at the end of the day its about honesty not an unfounded stigma.

 @9FX9CGG from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

Where they are grown, GM crops occupy large surface areas and are linked to intensive monoculture systems that wipe out other crop and ecosystems.

 @9FW7GYW from Michigan disagreed…8mos8MO

Selectively breeding is something I support and do in my own garden. I just believe that consumers should have information available to them so they can make a decision that's right for them.

 @9FXDD36 from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Yes, having a label on your food shows the person what they are eating and the people who actually care what's in there food will be able to select the best choice of option.

 @9FPPDGJ from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

While its true that we have selectively bred crops for thousands of years, people should be aware of the contents that they are consuming. By doing this we are giving them the knowledge of what they are eating, and the choice to choose differently.

 @9FR5B76 from Missouri disagreed…8mos8MO

GMO's are artificially modified and that defeats genuinely breeding and finding different crops that work. It defeats farmers who have spent honest work trying to cross crops.

 @9FPKK6G from North Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

I thing that selectively breeding crops and genetically modifing them are different things. Im fine with eating corn thats not been tampered with at all and is 5 inches big rather than eating a gmo modified lab corn that 10 inches big.

 @9FZ8L98 from South Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

Selectively breeding crops, no matter the duration for which it is done, is not equivalent to genetic modification. Scientific innovation should be encouraged, but in instances wherein it pollutes products designed for the public, it should be regulated so as not to induce harm.

 @9G56XT9 from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

It's important to know whether food is organic, or modified; it's people's right to know what they are consuming.

 @9FPFHW9 from Oregon disagreed…9mos9MO

no i just want what god made, why do they alway have to mess with food. it's weired, stop doing wired test on food

 @9G4HYYBRepublican from Oklahoma disagreed…8mos8MO

There is a danger to GMO food because we don't know how they are changing the food's DNA and doing things to be unnatural and cancer-causing.

 @9FM84VD from Colorado disagreed…9mos9MO

Although there were not labels in the past, people had not become conscious of or weary of these GMO plants until recently, and the people who would like to avoid those things should be allotted that knowledge.

 @9G337TS from Wisconsin disagreed…8mos8MO

I feel we have a right to know if our fruit or vegetables have been genetically modified. If you look at European counties they have more strict regulations then the United States does. They actually live a much healthier lifestyle as well.

 @9FQJK7R from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Over the thousands of years that we have selectively bred crops the world has evolved and changed, within a changing world there is a need for transparency if there is nothing harmful within the GMO’s why take away labels.

 @9FPJXRV from Ohio disagreed…9mos9MO

Under pure food and drug act all foods should be labeled not because we dont like modern science, it should be labeled for public knowledge of what they are eating.

 @9G2MLK8 from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

The effects of genetically modified food haven't been fully studied yet, but it is a widely held belief with real with accurate data and scientific support from most of the health community that genetically modified food could or does cause real problems, and that humans are healthiest, happiest, and live the longest when they eat a balanced diet of whole foods that have the least amount of modifications or modern pesticides. There is a major different between selective breeding and biological/chemical engineering of our food.

 @9FSQJN2 from California disagreed…8mos8MO

GMO's are a severe negative yet also necessary. We would not be able to feed everybody at such cheap prices without GMO, however they also negatively impact our health and the food's longevity.

 @9GJRFL2 from Arizona disagreed…8mos8MO

With all the food, products, advancements in chemicals have also raised the issues with cancers and diseases when people get older. The labels for any product that is not 100% natural should have a label of what chemicals were used to alter the product. Especially growth hormones.


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