Try the political quiz

50 Replies

 @9FPPHL4Republican from Arkansas disagreed…8mos8MO

Obviously the current wall is not a deterrent to illegals coming into the US and the wall needs to be completed in order to secure our border. The current influx of illegals into the US is causing a huge problem in many areas and American citizens are having to pay for it all. In addition, the current influx of drugs has increased significantly and is the cause for so many young people dying not to mention the increased crime. It needs to stop. Right now it is out of control.

 @9GG57S6 from Iowa disagreed…7mos7MO

Illegal immigration and drug cartels are a growing problem, and without proper control needs to be instituted.

 @9GCN57NRepublican from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

To many illegal immigrants are making it into this country taking up homeless shelters jobs and more for the common American citizen therefore more of it should be built.

 @9GBXZN8 from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

I say build the wall, we say that the people that sneak into our country are illegal, but then take car of them. If that was the case then the wall shouldn't be built at all, but if they are illegal, then I think they should come the right way for a small price, than try to sneak over, so building a wall would stop the illegal part because then every immigrant has to be legal to live here.

 @9G3SNWNRepublican from Wyoming disagreed…8mos8MO

All countries have the right to defend their Citizens, rights and interests. Fences make good neighbors.

 @9FPXQWD from Nebraska disagreed…8mos8MO

I think we should build it all because we do. not need illegal immigrants in the country, they can come over but they have to do it legally and be able to become a trusted, working citizen, because if we let everyone come over illegally it will cause overpopulation and could cause other issues because they are illegal

 @9FPY3RN from Wisconsin agreed…8mos8MO

They can also bring in more drugs allowing more us citizens to die. We are also spending billions of dollars to keep the wall from being built which makes no sense at all. Especially when we could use the money for other things

 @9FSQJN2 from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Over 10,000 illegal immigrants cross the border every day. If they are allowed access to healthcare and free housing, a long with financial aid, it will only increase taxes on the average American while they are not fairly paying their taxes both federal and state wise.

 @9FV338ZRepublican from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

Build an impassible wall and deport all illegal immigrants. Shoot anyone who tries to cross the wall.

 @9FP6RLL from Arizona disagreed…8mos8MO

The current wall is not securing our border enough and drugs are still flooding across. Human trafficking is still a major issue and illegal immigrants are still flooding across the border at record numbers.

 @9FVVT6FDemocrat from Minnesota disagreed…8mos8MO

The wall is needed, illegal immgrants come in take jobs and get major govermnent funding and the porr adn homeless loose chances to gain help


i feel like the wall should be built all the way through because more immigrants are coming into the united states and the number keeps rising everyday. they taking jobs, money, and other things that they dont deserve.

 @9G9T39TRepublican from Rhode Island disagreed…8mos8MO

Thousands of people every day are crossing the border therefore we should continue to build the Border wall.

 @9GBTZWP from Utah disagreed…8mos8MO

I think that we should continue to build the wall to stop immigrants from entering the U.S illegally.

 @9G46CL5 from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

We need to build more of the wall because it helps decrease the amount of illegal immigrants that come through the United States every day.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

 @9G4RRH4 from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

It it will enhance national security by decreasing the number of illegal immigrants and drugs entering the country.

 @9FW9L2YRepublican from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

I think we should build it all because we do not need illegal immigrants in the country, they can come over but they have to do it legally and be able to become a trusted, working citizen, because if we let everyone come over illegally it will cause overpopulation and could cause other issues because they are illegal

 @9FX7L76 from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

We need a strong wall for Mexico, there is a crisis with proof and how poorly the Biden administration is handling it proves my point.

 @9FV4NRJRepublican from Colorado disagreed…8mos8MO

If there is a wall, it doesn't seem to be working with the thousands of illegal immigrants passing the border every day, i would build the wall al the way across the boarder of texas and Mexico.

 @9G48TBDRepublican from Utah disagreed…8mos8MO

since Joe Biden was Appointed Office, 3.8 Million illegal immigrants have come into our country without background checks or anything. by building the wall is like building a fence around a neighbors yard to keeps their pets out of your yard, the wall acts as a fence to keep people who are not legal out of America.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

Actually, Biden has continued, and even increased, construction of Trump's border wall, as well as continued former immigration policies. In fact, the number of deportations have more than tripled within the last few years, so I'm not sure where you're getting this idea that the Biden Administration is pro-immigration, but they are actually just as anti-immigration as the former administration, and then some. It sounds like you've just fallen for the Democratic Party's own propaganda...

 @ElectoralP4ndaRepublicanfrom Texas agreed…8mos8MO

They flipped on the recent wall announcment:

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…8mos8MO

Right, they claim that they have stopped, and yet here they are again recently starting it back up again, as always:

 @9GNSHPT from South Dakota disagreed…7mos7MO

We need to bulid that wall to protect our selfs from the ilegal immigrants and only allow legal immgrants to come in.

 @9G6J3SF from Washington disagreed…8mos8MO

The current wall is ineffective as many Mexicans continue to get through it. The current wall is barely a guarded fence.

 @9FSYBXG from Nevada disagreed…8mos8MO

There are three specific reasons for constructing a border wall: establishing sovereignty over ungoverned or unruly lands; protecting the wealth of the state and population; and protecting cultural practices within the state from the possible influence of other value systems possessed by immigrants.


the current wall is incomplete and the illegal immigration rates have drastically increased. we need to complete the wall and put a stop to illegal immigration.

 @9GJDRKW from Connecticut disagreed…7mos7MO

The wall is ok now, but with an expansion of the wall will help keep the U.S. safe from illegals invading our country.

 @9G96FDF from Massachusetts disagreed…8mos8MO

we should keep building the wall otherwise the other portion dose nothing if they just go to the other side that's not blocked of

 @9FZF23B from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

Build a big *** wall to keep illegal immigrants out. THIS IS AMERICA, THE GREATEST COUNTRY EVER!!!! RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

 @9GFCQLX from Ohio disagreed…7mos7MO

whats the point of having a wall that's supposed to keep people out that people can easily get through

 @9FJFG54 from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

The amount of illegal immigrants every day that come into this country is unbelievable. If the wall was there and finished, it would help keep them out and keep our country great

 @9FJF593Republican from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

We should keep this country safe and build more of the wall so no more illegal immigrants can come into the United States.

 @9GD66KK  from Oklahoma disagreed…8mos8MO

a wall Is trust about 50% person can not coming, and 50% they still have a thing for go to United States.

 @9GCVVF2from Maine disagreed…8mos8MO

It is bad for Mexico that a lot of people leave this country, the Wall should be slightly build more


The current wall does not stretch the entire length of the border; illegal immigrants will still be able to get into our country.

 @9G6369S from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

if we don't continue the build on the wall to help keep the immigrants out of our home land that we build

 @9FW3DQC from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

it would be a fraction of the money compared to that sent to Ukraine and may lead to better immigration control

 @9FQ326L from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Honestly, the amount of illegal immigrants crossing our country has become a huge issue and the government should have held responsible for this situation.

 @9G9Z9H7Republican from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

The illegal immigrants are already going around the current wall, you cannot say that stopping the wall will improve our national security.

 @9FX49QVRepublican from Nebraska disagreed…8mos8MO

Why not finish a job, in America we don’t quit in fact we rise to the occasion and complete the task at hand.

 @9FV3Z8S from Michigan disagreed…8mos8MO

If the wall just ends then what is the point of the wall if people can just walk around the end without really putting any effort into crossing the border?

 @9FT4FS6 from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

I think there should be a little easier to get papers to Register to become a U.S. citizen instead of just some wall.

 @9G9SB8RRepublican from Nebraska disagreed…8mos8MO

If there is a locked gate and to the right of the gate the fence isn't up, are you going to try to break through the gate or walk around the open side?

 @9FRQC8XRepublican from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

The border has holes in it illegals can just go around to cross the border. We need to build it so the cartels and illegals can't cross over.


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