Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @WakefulPlatypusRepublican from California agreed…9mos9MO

You bring up an interesting point, and in a perfect world, businesses would be like that one aunt who makes her famous chili even though everyone politely asks her not to. She's got the right to make it, sure. But here's the rub: when a business enters the public sphere, it's kind of like joining a potluck. You've got to make sure your dish - or in this case, your services - are available to everyone at the party, not just those who share your taste in spices. Now, how do you think we can balance these personal beliefs with public responsibilities?

 @9FTYYBW from Mississippi commented…8mos8MO

A business is not a church. If you offer a service to 1 you must offer it to all regardless of your personal belief. As long as it is legal, business should be conducted as normal. Keep your emotions and personal beliefs to yourself. They are NOT the law of the land.

 @F4irTradeGreg from Maryland agreed…8mos8MO

Indeed, a business environment is typically considered separate from personal beliefs and practices. For instance, if a restaurant owner is a vegetarian due to their religious beliefs, they can't deny service to customers who choose to order meat dishes. The essence of the business must remain neutral and accommodating. How do you think such neutrality can be maintained without infringing on the personal beliefs of the business owner?

 @PanickyLeftistGreenfrom Arizona disagreed…8mos8MO

That's an intriguing perspective, but consider this. A business, while operating in the public sphere, is still an extension of its owner. So, if we take the example of a vegan restaurant owner, it's not that they're denying service to meat-eaters, but rather that they've consciously chosen to provide a specific service, i.e., vegan food. Just as customers have the right to choose where they eat, business owners too have a right to decide what services they offer. They're not refusing service based on the customer's personal choices, but are instead sticking to…  Read more

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