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23 Replies

 @9FPMCC3 from Virginia agreed…9mos9MO

I feel as if it should be the women's choice because if abortion is banned women will find another way that isn't safe I'm pro-life but want the safety of babies and women. the baby gets a heart beat during the first trimester


If the mother cannot take care of the baby, it should at least be born, and be passed on to someone else. The baby is innocent, and just because it is not developed yet, doesn't mean it is a person and should be killed.

 @9FPPV45Independent from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

That baby is should be born, but if the parent cannot car e for the child then you can always put the baby up for adoption.

 @9FPLF2M from Virginia agreed…9mos9MO

the baby is living, it is a person, has a personality, what color hair, how tall, what color eyes, what color skin, is all already literally in it's DNA. I believe that abortion is wrong because it is more of a self reflection of the women becoming pregnant and not taking protective precautions. But in the case of rape then I believe it is okay if the mother chooses to abort.

 @9FPLWPCAmerican Solidarity from Florida agreed…9mos9MO

I was adopted, and I have an adopted son. All human life is sacred. ALL human life. Abortion is contract killing, and it should be illegal on a federal level. All innocent human life should be protected. I am also in favor of a federal ban on the death penalty in this country and on euthanasia. I support the education of teach them dignity and self-respect.

 @9FPC5PT from Alabama agreed…9mos9MO

It is life at conception if you kill the baby it’s murder so if mom doesn’t want it. Other families should have the chance to adopt the baby

 @9FS4CYH from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

How can women be required to have children that they don't want or can't care for when there are nearly no programs to help them raise those children? Children are expensive, and forcing one to be born dooms them to a life of poverty and resentment.

 @9FQQ8MP from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

A fetus in the womb is not a person. It would not survive on it's own unless it is at least 21 weeks.

 @9FQ9HG8 from Kentucky disagreed…8mos8MO

Peoples beliefs are peoples beliefs, I may not agree with them but they have the right to those beliefs

 @9FPTC83Women’s Equality from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

If there is no sentience, then it is not alive. If it is viable, remove it. If it is a danger, murder it i don't care. the carrier comes first, period, unless they have stated otherwise.

 @9FPCNMV from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

Abortion is healthcare. You cannot be pro-life at the expense of the mother, in situations where the mother’s life or well-being is in danger. Further, a fetus is not a human being until at least the second trimester.

 @9FPBXWC from Arkansas disagreed…9mos9MO

This is not parsable, and therefore hard to debate against. However I would say that more abortions should be given longer thought than simply "not wanting it." And they are, it's a small percentage of people who get abortions due to immature reasons and I believe that even then it is likely the best scenario, as that person wouldn't be mature enough to give their child up for adoption.

 @9FPB4HS from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Please fix your grammar. Also, I agree the abortion should be legal, however, the fetus is widely considered potential human life

 @9FSFM9W from Arkansas agreed…8mos8MO

All humans life whether born or in the womb has precious value. From fertilization, the preborn have their own DNA, they are growing, developing, and has its own personhood regardless of location, level of development, degree of dependency, or size.

 @9FS62S8 from Louisiana agreed…8mos8MO

I disagree, i don't think women should just get rid of the baby just cause they don't want it thats stupid. if you aren't ready to be a mother there are thousands of women in the world who want to become a mother but can't. Not to mention it's a living and breathing person, saying that is "hasn't really become a person yet" is wrong, thats like murdering baby animals just because they haven't lived yet. It's murder no matter how you try to cover it up.

 @9FRQZ8S from Florida agreed…8mos8MO

If the mother can't afford to take care of the Baby then take it to an adoption center. No one in the right state of mind should think that killing an unborn but alive baby is acceptable. There are other ways of not keeping the baby. Nobody should think that murder is acceptable.

 @9FRD89R from Pennsylvania agreed…8mos8MO

a baby should not be aborted unless it causes health issues for the mother that could cause fatality or sickness

 @9FPNT5FDemocrat from Nevada agreed…9mos9MO

That does not matter. That is still a life that you are killing and abortion should be delt with as if you have murdered someone. Of course in cases of Rape it can happen but when it comes down to you just not wanting it that is no excuse for you to take a life. Abortion is a horrific act and should be seen as a crime.

 @9FPCTTB from Florida agreed…9mos9MO

Absolutely not. As a living human being that bears the image of God, it has the right to live and the right to happiness. Just because the parent isn't in a white picket fence area doesn't mean that the child should be punished by death for the feelings of the mother. If this was the case then toddlers would be given a capital punishment every time they annoy their mom.

 @9FPBFGQ from New York agreed…9mos9MO

I believe that once the embryo starts growing, it is a human, and therefore abortion should not be legalized or normalized in modern society.

 @9FPBD6W from Illinois agreed…9mos9MO

no. there is a fetal heartbeat and killing it is taking a life. if you are old enough to do adult things you have to take responsibility

 @9FPBM34 from Ohio agreed…9mos9MO

I disagree because it has the potential for human life, and if you have an abortion where you take away that potential, you are taking life.

 @9FRKSNSRepublican from Kentucky agreed…8mos8MO

If it is a living baby then it is a person. Every baby even if they are a week old are still living and a human being. Every human being deserves a chance at life because they are God’s creation.


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