Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @9HL6SBJProgressive from Washington answered…6mos6MO

I think it's very important to stand up against hate because minorities need to be protected from violent hate.

 @9HL3RKY from Ohio answered…6mos6MO

It is of the highest importance. Any ideologies that stand for racism and hate aren't truly American values, and it is our duty to protect against hatred. Standing up against racism and hate aren't just the job of legislators; it is the job of all of us as people in the United States. We need to keep the system of hatred from continuing as it is. It is very important to stand up against hate and racism, and even more importantly those ideologies (like those of neo-Nazism and the KKK) that promote them.

 @9HL6ZZ2Republican from Florida answered…6mos6MO

I think it's very important to stand up to racism and hate, it's something that is taught throughout generations and in families, if people mature and teach their kids right racism and hate will eventually become less of an issue. But at the same time humans repeat history, at some point the majority of people will be at peace with others but there will always be some who won't, wether it's over seas or in the same country.

 @9HL6ZQ7from Maine answered…6mos6MO

We need to make sure that people are educated about equality and the dangers of facism to make sure that facism is kept at bay.

 @9HL6GNX from Massachusetts answered…6mos6MO

I think it is very important to stand up to racism and other non-qualities of being a free us citizen