Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?



In what ways do you think encouraging men to share their feelings can benefit society as a whole?

 @9HXD296 from Indiana answered…5mos5MO

Men should be allowed to struggle. We as a society beat on men so much. Women treat men like garbage and break their hearts, ruining their lives for their own sick entertainment. Even other men will go out of their way to hurt you because it benefits them somehow.

 @9HZXH7FDemocrat from Pennsylvania disagreed…5mos5MO

Blaming women for the problems men may struggle with their emotional state and emotional intelligence is asininne. Regardless of gender, some people just hurt others in relationships because of who they are, not based on their gender, and to say just men get treated like garbage and get their hearts broken and ruin their lives is utterly preposterous. Women experince it too, all humans experince it and to just blame woman and aiding in perpetuating this notion that woman "use" men harms not just woman but also men too.