Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?

Christian Nationalism


Reflecting on history, do you think nations have successfully balanced national identity with religious diversity, and what can we learn from those examples?

 @9HXKLQM from Washington answered…5mos5MO

nations have not successfully balanced national identity, i think there is some more work we can do to make it better and make people feel comfortable to believe in what they believe in. i think there is too much discrimination around for it to be "fully successful", and i understand that not everyone is going to agree on it but there can definitely be less.

 @9HXWNN6 from California disagreed…5mos5MO

People care too much about what others think. The "discrimination" that people see is made up or amplified by their own imagination. If people would get out of their own way, people would be more successful.