Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @9J6YWT3 from California disagreed…5mos5MO

I believe that every child should be born into a family that can take care of them and wants them, rather than being born into an abusive family or one which cannot provide for the child.

 @9J6YSJZ from Washington disagreed…5mos5MO

they aren’t babies yet they’re clusters of cells. if they are born they will live an awful life either with a mother who didn’t want them or in a terrible foster home.

 @9JCCH34 from New York disagreed…5mos5MO

It would be great if we had fewer abortions. No one wants an abortion! Increase access to health education, birth control, and other contraceptive measures. With these resources, there will be fewer abortions, without forcing women into a shadow state of existence where their bodies and their rights are not fully their own.

 @9J8Z6XV from Massachusetts disagreed…5mos5MO

You cannot control the rights to someone elses body. It is not affecting, therefore if it is not your body it is not your choice. It does not matter the cirumstances.

 @9J6YT3Q from California disagreed…5mos5MO

They see a fetus as a living being. However, if one is unwilling to give birth for any reason. It can negatively affect the baby's development as an individual, such as familial problems. It also violates someone's right to make a choice for themselves. The choice may lead to one less ruined childhood.

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