Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?



What's your stance on the necessity of strong leadership versus the importance of everyone having a say in group decisions?

 @9K9CDN6 from New York answered…4mos4MO

when it comes to the necessity of strong leadership versus the importance of everyone having a say in group decisions, it's all about finding a balance, you know? Strong leadership can provide direction, coordination, and efficiency, while also ensuring that decisions are made in a timely manner. However, it's equally important to value the input and perspectives of everyone in the group. Including diverse voices leads to better decision-making and a sense of ownership among the members. So, a combination of strong leadership and inclusive decision-making can create a healthy and effective group dynamic.

 @9KHV872Democrat from Ohio agreed…3mos3MO

I think having a strong leader provides stability to a group while also hearing the diverse voices of the people in the group can help us come to a good resolution to issues.