Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?

Economic Liberalism


If there were no regulations setting the school curriculum, what subjects would you choose to study and why?

 @9LDS3S3 answered…2mos2MO

I'd choose to study things that are more significant to our society, like taxes and the current states and well-being of other nations so we can size-up how we'd compare in the future and what we should be aiming for in the present to ensure we're ready on an international level.

 @9LGDBDJ from Florida agreed…2mos2MO

Since we do not know much about how taxes work, where they go, etc; many people have problems with filing their taxes and understanding how they work. I also believe that it is important for us to learn the well-being of other nations because it helps us as a society to know in which direction to move, where to improve, and what areas need more development. This will also translate to more effective voting and a better work force.