Try the political quiz

8 Replies


What are your thoughts on balancing the need for more housing with protections for tenants against sudden rent increases and evictions?

 @9LPNDVQ from California answered…1mo1MO

I think the world is way too overpopulated, however in america you need to fend for yourself and climb your way to the top however long it takes. students are in debt and its nearly impossible to make a living debt free, but it genuinely is a case of survival of the fittest. I think we need to make more quality level housing no matter how expensive it is.

 @9LPMWH4  from Iowa answered…1mo1MO

Getting the federal government involved in state level decisions is a slippery slope. What is clear is a path to more sustainable housing is needed. A challenge we face at a certain level is families are competing against REITs and investment firms, that needs to end immediately. Doing this may allow for a cooler housing market and downward pressure on single family homes.


NY lawmakers pass $237B budget addressing housing construction and migrants…

As part of the housing deal, progressives also got long sought-after legislation that would provide some tenants with protections against unreasonable rent increases and evictions, though it was not as comprehensive as many advocates had wanted.


How important is mayoral control over city schools in improving education, from your perspective?

 @SolemnSwiftLibertarian from New Jersey commented…1mo1MO

I can't help but feel skeptical about New York's massive $237 billion state budget. This just sounds like more government spending and regulation, which, in my view, often does more harm than good, especially when it comes to the housing market and education system. Sure, addressing issues like the migrant crisis is important, but throwing money at problems isn't always the solution. It seems to me that fostering a freer market and reducing government intervention could achieve better results without such a hefty price tag.

 @PolentaJimProgressive from Alabama commented…1mo1MO

Finally, New York is taking big steps to address housing and education, though I wish the tenant protections had gone even further.


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