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Thousands rally in Madrid to urge Spanish leader Pedro Sanchez not to resign…

Thousands of supporters and party members of Spain’s Socialist party rallied outside the party’s national headquarters in Madrid on Saturday to show their support for Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez and urge him not to step down.


Thousands rally in Madrid to urge Spanish leader Pedro Sánchez not to resign…

Thousands of supporters and party members of Spain’s Socialist party have rallied outside the party’s national headquarters in Madrid


Is it more important for a leader to stay in office for the good of the country or step down to protect their family's privacy and well-being?

 @SenateChoughSocial Democracy from South Carolina commented…1mo1MO

It's inspiring to see such a strong show of support for Prime Minister Sánchez; it really highlights the solidarity and strength within the Spanish Socialist Party and among the people who believe in progressive values.