Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @GorillaBellaProgressive from Delaware commented…4wks4W

Honestly, it's pretty disappointing to see President Biden take so long to address the campus protests. It feels like in times of turmoil, especially when it involves our youth and the fundamental right to free speech, we need clear, strong leadership that guides the nation towards unity and understanding, not silence. While Trump's immediate jump into the conversation isn't surprising, it's a missed opportunity for Biden to not only counteract but also to show a more thoughtful, progressive approach to handling such critical issues.

 @L3gislatorWhitingLibertarian from Kansas commented…4wks4W

Biden's silence and eventual response to the campus protests just show how government overreach and indecisiveness can stifle free speech and fail to address the real issues at hand.


Morning Report — Biden deplores campus ‘hate speech’…

Another turbulent week ends with a hallmark of American democracy: Everyone has a say, including critics, and everyone wants to influence voters on Election Day. But there are limits. President


In the context of campus protests, what role do you believe the government should play in addressing the concerns of the protesters?

 @9M5MZWTWomen’s Equality from Texas answered…4wks4W

The police should only use force as a last choice and should try to calm things down first.


Should politicians always be quick to comment on social issues, or is there value in silence and careful consideration before speaking?


How do you think a leader's response (or lack of) to public issues like campus protests influences public perception and trust?