Try the political quiz

17 Replies

 @L3ftWingCordialRepublican from North Carolina commented…1mo1MO

The one and only way to prevent a skyrocketing in Federal tax rates in tax year 2026 and beyond is to elect Mr. Trump accompanied by a Republican House and Senate in November.

One chance only, last chance, so vote wisely, if you can.

 @LeftistCharlotteDemocratfrom Guam disagreed…1mo1MO

That would be a catastrophe of incredible magnitude. You want to put a guy in charge who has been on the campaign trail sounding like a 1930's European fascist? You might want to study a little current world history. Hugo Chávez was a democratically elected President of Venezuela. How did that work out for the Venezuelans? It was the last democratic election that country has seen ever since. [I'm not counting the fraudulent ones like Putin conducts]

Or Hungary under Viktor Orbán. Democratically elected, but taking over the country as an autocratic leader.

Think before you leap.

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina disagreed…1mo1MO

Actually, Biden sounds more like the 1930s fascist, promising many of the same things Adolf Hitler did. You'd be surprised at how left-wing the Nazi Party actually was, if you bothered to research the principles they campaigned on. Of course, you haven't done that – instead you accepted CNN's propaganda without thinking.

 @V0terTigerForward from California commented…1mo1MO

The 2017 tax law raised my taxes due to the limitations on SALT and some other changes. Trump did this middle class taxpayer no favors. But Biden's Inflation Reduction Act lowered my federal taxes significantly due to the clean energy credit I got for installing solar panels. For me, Biden generated an investment in clean energy and lower taxes; Trump, nothing but heartburn.

 @InnocentPollingPlace from Texas agreed…1mo1MO

the SALT cap was the first clear attempt at economic warfare against blue states by a federal government in Republican hands. They literally tried -with some success- to move economic activity out of blue states into red by making it cheaper to employ people on red states. If the Republicans get back in power expect more and worse.

 @TalentedC0nsensu5Greenfrom Montana commented…1mo1MO

Tax cuts for the wealthy NEVER trickle down to regular folks. Never. It is always a scam to further enrich the wealthy on the backs of everyone else.

 @LyingHareDemocrat from Arizona agreed…1mo1MO

Ronald Reagan started the "trickle down" nonsense that continues to add to the national debt. We must increase the corporations taxes!

 @SyrupJonnyDemocrat from New Jersey commented…1mo1MO

I can only say - from my personal perspective - on a gross income which placed me in the top 4% of Americans - the Trump tax cuts did not reduce my taxes by one penny. On a virtually identical income in 2017 and 2018. My tax rate went down, but I lost most of my itemized deductions. End Result. My taxes in 2018 actually went up $150.

The Trump tax cuts were just another of his great con jobs.

 @D3baterZoeDemocrat from Pennsylvania commented…1mo1MO

This looks like an effort disassemble the Trump corporate tax cuts into different parts in order to declare that “see, this part worked!” while ignoring that the other part was a huge giveaway that only benefitted shareholders through record stock buybacks at the expense of the national debt.

The net is that GDP growth is higher now and unemployment lower due to huge investments in infrastructure, renewable energy, health care, environment, tax collection and other long term public benefits stemming from Biden era legislation.

 @HumorousYearlyWorking Family from Kentucky commented…1mo1MO

So the tax cut increased government debt for the benefit of corporate America. Isn't that what the GOP calls a hand-out?

The average increase in wages of $750 annually works out to less than $15 a week. I doubt the "average" worker noticed it.

 @OctopusBrandonSocialist from North Carolina commented…1mo1MO

Part of the mass income redistribution to the wealthy. This is why America’s political class is being given massive campaign donations by the wealthy and corporations.

 @Pl4tformLucyLibertarian from New Jersey commented…1mo1MO

If the tax rate was 0% there would be no tax revenue. If the tax rate was 100% there would also be no tax revenue (and no GDP). In between revenue first rises, then peaks, and finally falls. The The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act cut rates but revenue went up. This implies the rate had been above its peak level, which is not good. It should not be called a cut if revenue increases.


Given the financial impact of recent global events on the national budget, how should priorities be balanced between domestic needs and international aid?


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