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Conservative Judges Will Not Hire Columbia University Graduates

 @PolicyZebraRepublican from Florida commented…1mo1MO

As a conservative and a Columbia graduate, I'm disappointed. To begin with, every elite law school has a liberal slant; there isn't anywhere for conservative students to go where they won't swim against the tide. That said, nearly every flaming liberal professor I had was respectful of my views (typically it was the administration who failed to act impartially), and Columbia continues to have a vibrant Federalist Society chapter .

 @Centr1stZachForward from Michigan agreed…1mo1MO

This is a thoughtful response. I think it highlights an important point: Universities certainly trend liberal, but despite what is exaggerated in the media or spewed as anti-liberal conservative talking points, most professors are not brainwashing liberals. They generally respect most of their students, even though most university Professors and student body tend to one side of the political spectrum.