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Vermin Supreme’s policies on economic issues

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average American voter ranked them on the quiz.


the Economy  ›  Equal Pay

Should employers be required to pay men and women the same salary for the same job?

  Vermin Supreme voterbaseYes, and businesses should be required to publish their salary ranges for each position

the Economy  ›  Minimum Wage

Should the government raise the federal minimum wage?

  Vermin Supreme voterbaseYes, and make it a living wage

the Economy  ›  Paid Sick Leave

Should businesses be required to provide paid leave for full-time employees during the birth of a child or sick family member?

  Vermin Supreme voterbaseYes, but the federal government should sponsor this program instead of businesses

the Economy  ›  Taxes

Should the U.S. raise taxes on the rich?

  Vermin Supreme voterbaseYes

the Economy  ›  Corporate Tax

Should the U.S. raise or lower the tax rate for corporations?

  Vermin Supreme voterbaseRaise

the Economy  ›  Government Spending

Should the government make cuts to public spending in order to reduce the national debt?

  Vermin Supreme voterbaseYes, and eliminate federal agencies that are unconstitutional

the Economy  ›  Corporate Mega Mergers

Should the government prevent “mega mergers” of corporations that could potentially control a large percentage of market share within its industry?

  Vermin Supreme voterbaseYes, and the government should break up existing mega corporations

the Economy  ›  Welfare

Should there be fewer or more restrictions on current welfare benefits?

  Vermin Supreme voterbaseMore, reform the system so that it supplements, rather than replaces, a working income

the Economy  ›  Labor Unions

Do you believe labor unions help or hurt the economy?

  Vermin Supreme voterbaseHelp, but ban their ability to make political donations

the Economy  ›  Free Tax Filing

Should the IRS create a free electronic tax filing system?

  Vermin Supreme voterbaseYes

the Economy  ›  Capital Gains Tax

Should the government increase the tax rate on profits earned from the sale of stocks, bonds, and real estate?

  Vermin Supreme voterbaseNo, and abolish capital gains taxes

the Economy  ›  Estate Tax

Should the current estate tax rate be decreased?

  Vermin Supreme voterbaseYes, and we should eliminate it

the Economy  ›  Tech Monopolies

Should the government break up Amazon, Facebook and Google?

  Vermin Supreme voterbaseNo

the Economy  ›  China Tariffs

Should the U.S. increase tariffs on imported products from China?

  Vermin Supreme voterbaseNo

the Economy  ›  Domestic Jobs

Should the President offer tax breaks to individual companies to keep jobs in the U.S.?

  Vermin Supreme voterbaseNo, the government should not interfere with the free market

the Economy  ›  NAFTA

Should the U.S. continue to participate in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)?

  Vermin Supreme voterbaseYes, NAFTA helps lower the prices of consumer products

the Economy  ›  Offshore Banking

Should U.S. citizens be allowed to save or invest their money in offshore bank accounts?

  Vermin Supreme voterbaseYes, as long as offshore income is reported

the Economy  ›  Federal Reserve

Should the Federal Reserve Bank be audited by Congress?

  Vermin Supreme voterbaseYes, we deserve to know who the bank gives money to

the Economy  ›  Farm Subsidies

Should the government subsidize farmers?

  Vermin Supreme voterbaseYes, but only small local farms instead of large corporations

the Economy  ›  Tariffs

Should the government add or increase tariffs on products imported into the country?

  Vermin Supreme voterbaseNo, a global free trade system is better for our businesses and consumers

the Economy  ›  Property Taxes

Would you favor an increased sales tax in order to reduce property taxes?

  Vermin Supreme voterbaseNo, property taxes are the most reliable and consistent form of state revenue

the Economy  ›  Pension Reform

Should pension plans for federal, state, and local government workers be transitioned into privately managed accounts?

  Vermin Supreme voterbaseYes, pension spending is out of control and must be reduced

the Economy  ›  Government Pensions

Should pension payments be increased for retired government workers?

  Vermin Supreme voterbaseNo, not until we decrease our national debt

the Economy  ›  State Ownership

Should the government acquire equity stakes in companies it bails out during a recession?

  Vermin Supreme voterbaseNo, the government should never own shares of private companies

the Economy  ›  Bitcoin

Should the government classify Bitcoin as a legal currency?

  Vermin Supreme voterbaseNo, classify it as a commodity

the Economy  ›  Trans-Pacific Partnership

Do you support the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)?

  Vermin Supreme voterbaseNo, there are too many hidden provisions in this specific agreement

the Economy  ›  Online Sales Tax

Should an in-state sales tax apply to online purchases of in-state buyers from out-of-state sellers?

  Vermin Supreme voterbaseNo, the federal government does not have the authority to impose state and local taxes