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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...12yrs12Y


 @9FPWVG3 from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

Minorities still face discrimination in career opportunities despite moves towards equal opportunity.

 @9F7STBH  from Michigan agreed…9mos9MO

I really cant be bothered to google something for a polling website. Google it yourselves, and if you don't, take my word for it.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...12yrs12Y

No, and minority groups should not receive any favorable treatment

 @Brandonnoe84Libertarian  from Colorado agreed…9mos9MO

Instead the money should go to the poorer communities to help develop opportunities to grow in community development, creating much greater future financial capabilities rather than just grow in immediate finances.

  @JonBSimConstitutionfrom Kentucky agreed…2yrs2Y

No, and minority groups should not receive any favorable treatment

We will never reach racial equality if we have laws like this.

The solution to past discrimination is not present discrimination.

 @9F8P35C from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

At the end of the day everybody is a human and no reason for minorities to be treated harshly just for exsisting.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...12yrs12Y


 @9FPWVG3 from Illinois agreed…8mos8MO

Affirmative Action continues to protect people from continued discrimination as much as possible, and taking it away pretends that racism is not still prevalent just as it was when Affirmative Action was first put into place.


Right now minority groups don't receive equal treatment even though everyone is equal. That means we have to do something about it.

 @9F8P35C from Michigan agreed…9mos9MO

Treating everyone the same should not be a challenge, the background of people's childhood should not define how you treat them, instead it should be based off the person they are now.

 @Brandonnoe84Libertarian  from Colorado disagreed…9mos9MO

I don't believe forcing payment to others would go well, if it is just given then nothing is learned.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...12yrs12Y

Regardless, we should create more social programs to address poverty

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...12yrs12Y

Yes, and drastically increase the current amount of programs

 @9F7WSZZ from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

Top Disagreement

It is unfair for those who actually work their entire life for a position in their dream college but someone who has an exotic ethnicity might have a higher acceptance rate.

 @9F6RJQN  from Florida disagreed…9mos9MO

Affirmative Action judges the value of people based on the color of their skin. No person, no matter their race, should be given an advantage or disadvantage just because of their ethnicity.

 @9F7STBH  from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

Not only has affirmative action been found to hold no true benefit to any communities but Affirmative Action is actually harmfull and unequal to many communities.

 @9FBGTHY  from Georgia disagreed…9mos9MO

People in our country who are discriminated against deserve to be protected even at the expense of the most privileged in our society. Equity is the only way to ensure everyone has the chance to live a life of dignity.

 @VibrantJ0intComm1tteeRepublican from Montana disagreed…9mos9MO

Affirmative action, while created with good intentions, can sometimes inadvertently foster resentment or a sense of entitlement. For instance, consider a scenario where a well-deserving candidate is passed over for a job or college admission because of an affirmative action quota. This could lead to resentment from the individual who was passed over and a potential devaluation of the achievement of the person who received the opportunity. Instead, wouldn't it be more equitable to address the root causes of these inequalities, such as improving access to quality education and resources for all, irrespective of their background? This way, we are leveling the playing field, not tipping the scales.

How might we ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed, without potentially creating more divides in the process?

 @9FBNY97 from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

Affirmative action helps students get exposed to people they may not have had previous experience communicating with

 @9FB72ZK from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

since minority groups don't have the ecological opportunities as the majority, because of other causes. We should wait until eventually they do.

 @9FNCL2Z from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

Affirmative Action judges the value of people based on the color of their skin. No person, no matter their race, should be given an advantage or disadvantage just because of their ethnicity.

 @4SNSSB2from Armed Forces Europe, Middle East, & Canada answered…4yrs4Y

I believe that America needs to start recognizing that there are no minorities anymore. We are all Americans. End of story. If you are in America it is because you are or want to be an American. We are all people and we are all Americans. The color of one's skin, one's gender, one's sexual preference, or one's religion should not make us different enough to cause such a segregated society. We don't have separate facilities, but we are certainly segregated to this day, and it's pathetic.

 @4TRB4RWGreenfrom New York answered…4yrs4Y

No, the Democrats purposely designed affirmative action to produce failure and increase racism. If blacks had followed Malcolm X instead of MLK they would not have remained in the permanent underclass the Democrats created for them

 @52KP5BXfrom Virginia answered…4yrs4Y

No, "the first step to stopping racism is to stop talking about it"~Morgan Freeman

 @5NBYT86from Ohio answered…4yrs4Y

Not when it interferes with the best qualified person through testing, etc. Do we go into a black or Hispanic business and demand that they fire their black or Hispanic workers and replace them with whites.? Fair play?

 @4S6DMZWfrom Wisconsin answered…4yrs4Y

No. The soft bigotry of lowered expectations does not help minority groups.

 @4SNNPBZfrom Kansas answered…4yrs4Y

Regardless, we should create more social programs to address poverty, and also increase the acceptance of different races, forget the "minority" everyone needs to be treated equal, it's not "black lives matter" it's not "minority lives matter" It's every god damn life matters.

 @HistoriaR from Ohio commented…3yrs3Y


"social programs to address poverty"

An oversimplified counter to that would be

  • Start buying more American made products.
  • Stop sending jobs and production overseas.

-- Stimulating the economy by providing more long lasting careers for families.

The answer isn't programs for poverty the answer is pro (in-house) America.

Building stability for generations.

 @4YVS4VMfrom Texas answered…4yrs4Y

affirmative action is a failure. Tax payers have spent TRILLIONS of dollars in trying to pull minority groups out of poverty. At the Great Society, poverty levels were at 14% and today, poverty levels for blacks is still about 14%. Blacks need to take responsibility for their families and children as well as be denied any welfare dollars if providers test positive or refuses to take available jobs in service industries.

 @4VSN9L5from Iowa answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, in a perfect world No.. but increase education spending to make ALL Schools funding the same, from Beverly Hills to Southside of Chicago to small town Iowa.. Same opportunity for all

 @4YVNDZWfrom Pennsylvania answered…4yrs4Y

There should be no special treatment for anyone because there should be NO discrimination for any one person no matter their race, gender, financial background, or sexual orientation. Everyone is equal.

 @4RDKTGGfrom Mississippi answered…4yrs4Y

Only if "white" is added to the list of minority groups. Affirmative Action should be reflected in the census statistics of the area and not in national figures.

 @53WNPXHfrom New York answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but rather than basing these programs on race, they should focus on race-neutral factors that lead to poverty (e.g., parents are poor, children of single parents, etc.).

 @59424RDfrom Michigan answered…4yrs4Y

No- our education is way too expensive and far too ineffectual. Ranked 35th in the world? The most powerful country has a worse education system than some third-world countries.

 @4RL4HM3from Ohio answered…4yrs4Y

 @59599YFfrom Illinois answered…4yrs4Y

What you should do is create a program that will teach these guys a skill so he or she will have a career of some sort. Prior to the affirmative action has its corks. I maintain the government is set up to hold back minorities; especially blacks and hispanics. That's not right, they're human too. I say you should give him or her a fare shake regardless of the color of his or her face. What you see is what you get.

 @56VSRHVfrom Indiana answered…4yrs4Y

I think it would help society if we stop talking about minorities. Many are minorities with no "affirmative action" to help them. Families with disabled kids or elderly parents they have to care for often go without and no one steps up to help them (programs are a joke) everyone should be put on an equal playing ground. Apply for jobs, schooling etc., and everyone have equal chance. Don't give a healthy able bodied adult special preference because of race. It's not fair to others.

 @58QWR8Hfrom California answered…4yrs4Y

Depends on the program. No pro LGBT programs unless it's designed for changing gay lifestyle.

 @58R7HS3from New Jersey answered…4yrs4Y

Who are the real minorities?...That needs to be defined. What are the minorities doing to help themselves in a positive manner, i.e., not looting and rioting. Fund families in need!...Don't fund "breeding for money". Spend money on resurrecting the "family unit" in inner's demise is destroying them.

 @53WLHMTfrom Florida answered…4yrs4Y

Address poverty through education. Completely restructure public education with an emphasis on getting the poor complete choice.

 @4YXRJ7Nfrom New Mexico answered…4yrs4Y

 @4Y98P9LDemocratfrom Florida answered…4yrs4Y

We have to be careful that affirmative action does not turn into discrimination against others. If someone resides in a predominant hispanic area, for instance, and most employees are hispanic and gain promotions, then we need to see if blacks, whites, Asians, etc. are suffering from discrimination. So, I think it need to be carefully examined.

 @4R6K6WDfrom New York answered…4yrs4Y

No, enough with special treatment based on racism that does not exist. No exceptions.

 @4R6HV75from California answered…4yrs4Y

I believe government enforced affirmative action programs should be abolished, but private organizations can give preferential treatment at will

 @4R6FJKVfrom Arizona answered…4yrs4Y

AA programs need to be more nuanced; a minority kid who has grown up in an upper middle class home with professional parents should not be seen or helped as "disadvantaged" over a poor white kid from a poor neighborhood or with drug addicted parents, for example.


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