Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @9LDY6ZM from Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO

One real-life example of overcoming a barrier related to social reformism that I've seen in a school or community context is the implementation of inclusive policies and initiatives to support LGBTQ+ students.

In many schools and communities, LGBTQ+ students have historically faced discrimination, bullying, and exclusion, leading to negative mental health outcomes and academic challenges. However, in response to advocacy efforts by students, parents, educators, and community members, many schools and communities have taken steps to address these barriers and promote inclusion and acceptance. Am not supporting to them in other words but they should treated with positivity.

 @9LDXDLB from Illinois answered…2mos2MO

social reformism is a liberal lie and bull **** stop being a victim and grow a pair

 @9LDXSNL from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO

Kids always forgetting stuff in their lockers or using it as an excuse to leave class. The school banned lockers and kids have to carry their stuff around everywhere.

 @9LDXRHT from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO

Two people from much different income houses putting their differences aside and becoming friends.


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